Sunday, December 22, 2013

Early Christmas Gift for Me!!

Christmas might still be a few days away but I received one of my presents early!

His name is Murph! He is a very small 13 week old maltipoo... Right now he weighs 2.10 pounds! Millie is around 15 so there is a big size difference between them! He is a funny little guy... Very full of energy and pretty fearless!!


Millie has been pretty good about the new addition so far. I think it will take a little while for her to completely warm up to him!!

I forgot what puppies were like... A lot of work but a lot of fun! He is a sweet little guy and I am so excited that he is now a part of our family!



Sunday, December 8, 2013

Getting Ready for Christmas

Can you believe that Christmas is less than three weeks away?!? I have been so busy with the holidays that I haven't even had time to think about posting!! We had two Thanksgivings, one in Tennessee and one here. Now we have been busy getting the house ready for Christmas!!

My newest project was the peppermint trees! They were super easy to make! All you need is styrofoam cones, a hot glue gun, and peppermints!